Friday, September 18, 2009

friday nights

Friday nights aren't what they used to be. In my perfect world, it would be our date night. Instead it usually ends up being all four of us grabbing a quick bite somewhere and praying we make it through dinner without Henry having a meltdown or Crawford running laps around the restaurant. Fortunately we can control Crawford's running (for the most part), but Henry's tantrums we cannot. Tonight was pretty good......I won't bore you with the details.

The one detail that I love from today was Crawford's question about the rain. "Mommy, why did God make it rain again today?" Of course I wasn't prepared and responded with a jumbled answer about how God knew someone needed the rain and so He was giving it to them. Then he said "Can we go up in an airplane tomorrow and go up in the sky and ask God to not do that again?" With this answer I changed directions and started talking about how hard it would be to find a plane to take us up into the sky. That got a great conversation started about where planes live and on and on it went.

Henry's sweetness today was the kisses that he was giving. He is really good at it right now...he puckers up like a fish and goes for it. I can't get enough of them! And he is talking so much now. Some things we cannot decipher, but most of it is very clear. He pronounces Crawford "Crawker" which is exactly how Hallie Corinne pronounced it when Crawford was born. And he says "Borgie" for Georgie and "Borge" for his cousin, George!

I did lose my patience a little bit this morning, but I started to talk out loud to God to help me through it, and I really do believe that helped! Our community group is going to read and study the book Loving Our Kids on Purpose this semester, and I'm hoping it will teach me a thing or two. I haven't even bought it yet, but when I start reading it, I will let you know what I'm learning.

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