Monday, September 21, 2009

two hours

I don't know anyone that can spend two hours in the grocery. Except me. Today, I did it with two rambunctious boys. I did not a have a my hand. My list was in my purse with several coupons that I intended to use, but it was way up in the cart and the boys were between me and the cart! I always start in the produce section and right in the middle of that, Crawford had to go to the bathroom. The bathroom is located on the other end of the grocery. Then I decide to navigate the grocery backwards and that is not easy. Halfway through our shopping, Crawford has to go again. The only thing that saved me were the abundance of samples that were being handed out b/c we all know that if my boys are eating, they are happy. I wonder where they got that from?

I learned several things from today's grocery experience: 1. don't take both boys to the grocery unless it is for 10 items or less 2. don't grocery shop on Monday mornings b/c that is when all stay-at-home moms choose to shop 3. don't let the boys drink before or during a grocery trip, and finally 4. toddlers are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

This past weekend we enjoyed having Allen, Emily, Dakota and George over to watch football and eat dinner. Allen and Michael were the only ones that got to watch the game, but I am OK with that. For some reason, since we have had children, I don't care as much about "watching" the games as I used to. I guess that is b/c I can't unless they are asleep, and if they are asleep, there are other things that I would rather do. On Sunday, Michael went to the Titans game after church and I stayed home with the boys all day. I feel some "emily" time coming in the near future!

Our church started a new series yesterday on Genesis and the first message was incredible! If you are interested in it, go to to listen, watch or download it.

The quietness in my house right now is wonderful, eerie, but wonderful.

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